Kaboom-Con September 7, 2024
Carson City, NV
I’m sorry I wasn’t technically able to post this before the show. I’ve been so busy with my new comics project (more on that later) it’s taken this long for me to comment on a first-time con I attended in Carson City, NV, KaBoom-Con. https://www.facebook.com/kaboomcon A modest enjoyable laid back start to what I hope to be an annual affair, Kaboom-Con was a lot of fun and I met a number of truly nice people. Big thanks to Angel and Jeff and Ethyl, who manned my table while I was doing a talking-panel interview thing with my lifelong buddy, Lawrence Iriarte. https://www.facebook.com/iseesoundcomics You will be hearing more about him and his son Diego here on my website in the coming months. And big thank-yous to Mark Helton and Jimmy Jones and the folks from Pop Culture Kaboom’s Radio Show at https://www.facebook.com/97toNow/, and Steve and Justin, as well as many many more people whose full names I can’t remember. You all made my visit to Carson City a memorable one. Let’s do it again next year!

Carson City, NV